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Santa Cruz Band Review


Event Date

First competition of the season - Santa Cruz

The Santa Cruz Band Review takes place on the street in front of the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Competition information, including maps and performance times, are posted at . Discounted all-day ride wristbands are available for $44.95 ($25 off gate price), using the discount code BandReview2023. Advance purchase is required, through Beach Boardwalk website. Note that while our students will have a few hours to enjoy the Boardwalk on Saturday afternoon between competition and awards, they will not be on the Boardwalk for the entire day.

The equipment truck will be loaded on Friday, October 20. We’ll start with uniforms and supplies after school, adding instrument cases after the football game. Students will need to stay long enough following the game to make sure everything they need for competition is put on the truck.

Saturday morning: Students arrive at Granada in black shorts, white shirt, and black socks (GHS Music shirts, jacket or hoodie and comfortable pants or shorts should be worn as an outer layer.) Bring water. Pack lunch and snacks and bring money if you plan to ride or play games at the Boardwalk. Due to a lack of volunteers to coordinate the Chuckwagon, we are NOT providing food for band reviews this year.

We still need parent volunteers! Sign up for the following roles HERE

  • Chaperones – There are a limited number of seats for chaperones to ride the bus with students to/from Santa Cruz. Chaperones ensure that everyone is accounted for prior to departure and that students are following school rules in transit. Chaperones also walk the parade route with the band, assisting with uniforms or water bottles as needed. A first aid kit and chaperone bag are available on each bus.

  • Uniform & Hair Helpers – Assist with pinning up students’ hair and making sure uniforms are worn properly. Inspect uniforms prior to lining up for competition; ensure that everything is hung up and put away properly afterwards.

  • Water Bottle Prep – Pick up the cooler and water bottles from school (any time between now and next Thursday, October 19). Take them home, wash and fill the bottles, then load the cooler with filled bottles and ice. Bring to school on Saturday morning at call time. The cooler will be loaded onto the truck just before we leave for Santa Cruz. Following the competition, take everything home, wash them out, and prep again for the next weekend. (*We’re looking for someone available to do this for all three band band reviews - Santa Cruz, Foothill and Napa.)

  • Hydrators – Walk the parade route with the band, providing students with water as needed

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